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Trip Events

Create a sheet in your spreadsheet named Events with columns according to following.

Regarding sheet formula examples below

All examples are for the second row in the sheet. For the subsequent rows the formula will customize automatically. The template is already prefilled.

Column NameNeeded forDescription
ATypeWeb appUse formula =IF(ISBLANK(B2);"";LEFT(B2)).
BCronWeb appThe cronological reference is used to connect each sheet to each other. It consists of a letter and a number without any dashes or other characters. The letter specifies the Trip Type, e.g. domestic (I), abroad (U), or attachment (D) (see separate definition). The number is a chronological number, where the first trip in each letter category is marked as 1. E.g. U23 for abroad trip number 23. Use X if you want to exclude the row from the web app.
COverall DestinationWeb appYou can fill this with the value from Overview sheet. =IFNA(IF(ISBLANK(VLOOKUP(B2;Overview!B:E;4;FALSE));"### Not defined ###";VLOOKUP(B2;Overview!B:E;4;FALSE));"")
DHelp TextSpreadsheet onlyThis is not used in web app, but used for convenience to read the table standalone. Use formula =IF(ISBLANK(E2);"";"V. "&WEEKNUM(E2;21)&" ")&IF(ISBLANK(E2);"";PROPER(TEXT(E2;"dddd")))
EDateWeb appYour date in ISO format YYYY-MM-DD.
FEventsWeb appThis is your fully description of what you did this day.
GAccommodationWeb appThe name and the address of your accommodation.
HAccommodation CountryWeb appThe name of the country you stayed in during the night.
IAccommodation CoordinatesWeb appThe gps coordinates of your accommodation in the format lat_decimal,lng_decimal e.g. 59.329444, 18.068611.
JTravel GroupWeb appYou can fill this with the value from Overview sheet. =IFNA(IF(ISBLANK(VLOOKUP(B2;Overview!B:C;2;FALSE));"### Not defined ###";VLOOKUP(B2;Overview!B:C;2;FALSE));"")
KTravel ParticipantsSpreadsheet onlyThe name of your travel buddies, separated by comma. N.B. Not exposured in web app.
LAdditional NotesSpreadsheet onlyN.B. Additional notes not exposured in web app.
MCountries During DayWeb appThis field is for enhanced statistics. Enter all countries in cronologial order during that day, separated by comma. The country names need to conform to the country names defined in settings.yaml. In front of the country name prefix *, **, and + is allowed.
NFMSpreadsheet onlyThis column is only for row formatting and readability.=IF(A2="";"";IF(N1="FM";1;IF(B1=B2;N1;N1+1)))