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Trip Map

Create a sheet in your spreadsheet named Map with columns according to following.

Regarding sheet formula examples below

All examples are for the second row in the sheet. For the subsequent rows the formula will customize automatically. The template is already prefilled.


The order of the rows define the direction in which the route is drawn on the map.

Column NameNeeded forDescription
ATypeWeb appUse formula =IF(ISBLANK(B2);"";LEFT(B2)).
BCronWeb appThe cronological reference is used to connect each sheet to each other. It consists of a letter and a number without any dashes or other characters. The letter specifies the Trip Type, e.g. domestic (I), abroad (U), or attachment (D) (see separate definition). The number is a chronological number, where the first trip in each letter category is marked as 1. E.g. U23 for abroad trip number 23. Use X if you want to exclude the row from the web app.
CPin PlaceWeb appThe name of the place, e.g. Stockholm.
DCountrySpreadsheet onlyMakes it easier when you read in a standalone spreadsheet.
ECoordinatesWeb appThe gps coordinates of your pin place in the format lat_decimal,lng_decimal e.g. 59.329444, 18.068611.
FFMSpreadsheet onlyThis column is only for row formatting and readability. =IF(A2="";"";IF(F1="FM";1;IF(B1=B2;F1;F1+1)))